Our Products

We import our products from foreign countries such as Japan, Russia, Malaysia,Turkey, India, China, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Ukraine.When choosing our product for import, we evaluate their factory size, capacity, working hour, environmental friendliness and quality.

As steel is the skeleton that holds a building together, our products need to withstand pressure, weight, natural disasters and longevity. With high-rise becoming more common in Myanmar, our products will have the best quality for its structural integrity.

Our products go through many levels of quality checks before making its way to our customer. We ask our factories to do a sample test for Bendability, Ductility, Fatigue Strength, Bond Strength, Yield Strength and Weldability, Mechanical Composition, Chemical Composition. These tests will be tested again during loading of vessel and when unloading of vessel. And the final test will be done in Myanmar Engineering Society for final quality check. We offer both the mill certificate and MES certification upon purchase to guarantee the quality of our products.

Our trademark- SK 500D

As natural disaster such as typhoons, earthquakes and hurricanes become more common in Myanmar in the past decade. SK 500D is produced to withstand earthquake and other natural disasters. Steel King Company Limited has intended to protect our nations with this product.

During an earthquake, a building foundation ground will be shaken over the yield capacity of normal 500 rebar strength. Due to this action,a regular rebar on building will snap from its original position causing the building to suffer permanent structural damage or in worst case scenario collapsing on itself.

Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) is to determine the breaking point of a rebar. However,normal Grade 500 rebar UTS is unable to withstand an arthquake but SK 500D is specially made super ductile that could withstand earthquake to a certain extend.

SK 500D super ductile steel rebar with specifications of IS1786 FE500D. This specification known to allow flex to occur when outside pressure is involved. It does not break hen over flex occurs and it is extremely durable under any condition.

Size Size Length
10 MM DF ၃မူး 12M
12 MM DF ၅မူး 12M
16 MM DF ၆မူး 12M
18 MM DF ၃မတ်အလျှော့ 12M
20 MM DF ၃မတ်အပြည့် 12M
25 MM DF တစ်ကျပ်လုံး 12M
32 MM DF ငါးမတ်ခွဲ 12M
40 MM DF 12M